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Paris Agreement Carbon Markets Are Gathering Steam. Are They Working?

Analyzing a carbon credits etf fund on a computer screen
Tetra Tech’s Rodrigo Chaparro, senior climate advisor, 评估了2021年联合国气候变化大会(COP26)确定的碳融资方案的运作情况,以及哪些国家正在实施碳交易项目.

The power to pollute increasingly carries a hefty price tag.

According to the World Bank’s Carbon Pricing Dashboard, 目前,全球近四分之一的温室气体(GHG)排放已被某种形式的碳定价覆盖. 到2022年底,全球排放交易和碳税收入飙升至1000亿美元. As of June 2023, 全球已经实施了73个排放交易体系(ETS),这个数字还在继续攀升.

Evolution of Global Revenues from Carbon Taxes and ETSs Over Time (World Bank. 2023. State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2023. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-2006-9. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO)

So, are carbon markets working? If numbers don’t lie, the answer must be “yes.”

Carbon pricing favors green innovation, forcing those who burn fossil fuels into a competitive disadvantage. Article 6 of the Paris Agreement and the rules approved at COP26 made carbon market mechanisms more standardized, transparent, and fair. 这促使各国政府和国际发展行动者加快部署第6条框架的步伐, 形成实施具体碳交易项目所需的动力和结构.

Japan’s A6IP mobilizes climate action

Japan launched the Paris Agreement Article 6 Implementation Partnership (A6IP) at COP27 in November 2022. A6IP今年的目标是提供一个支持第6条实施的能力建设项目. 能力建设进一步使新兴经济体能够加入高收入国家的行列,采用碳交易.

To that end, the A6IP published 分享执行第6条能力建设的最佳做法和经验教训, a collection of results from its official side event at COP27. Its three thematic working groups—authorization, reporting, and tracking—aim to share the processes, institutional arrangements, and tools countries are using to implement Article 6.

The A6IP’s membership roster has grown fast. As of April, it included more than 60 countries; 6 United Nations agencies; 4 major multilateral development banks; and more than a dozen organizations. Tetra Tech joined the A6IP immediately after its launch.

The G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment adopted the Principles of High Integrity Carbon Markets, coinciding with the announcement of the creation of the Article 6 Implementation Partnership Center at the Institute for Global Environmental Strategies (IGES). 这些努力旨在通过应对共同挑战和提供解决方案,促进第六条的部署. The AI6P will present its progress at COP28.

Cooperative agreements take shape

On the operational side, Japan continues to advance deployment of its Joint Crediting Mechanism. Similarly, Switzerland is progressing on its bilateral climate agreements, 制定了承认国际贸易缓解成果的框架和要求,并为减排买卖双方之间的商业合同确立了法律基础. The Swiss government has signed 12 bilateral agreements thus far, including two that are now registered: one on smart agriculture in Ghana and a second on e-buses in Thailand, which “will help avoid around 500,000 tonnes of CO2 by 2030.” 韩国也正在与主要温室气体排放国进行第6条双边谈判 Singapore and Papua New Guinea signed a memorandum of understanding with the same purpose.

Bilateral Agreements Since 2013

Aquiring CountryTransferring Countries
SingaporeCambodia, Colombia, Morocco, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Vietnam
JapanAzerbaijan, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Chile, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Lao PDR, Maldives, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, Myanmar, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Uzbekistan
SwedenDominican Republic, Ghana, Nepal
Republic of KoreaMongolia, Vietnam
AustraliaFiji, Papua New Guinea
SwitzerlandDominica, Ghana, Georgia, Morrocco, Peru, Thailand, Senegal, Ukraine, Uruguay, Vanuatu

Article 6.2 Bilateral Agreements as of April 1, 2023 (World Bank. 2023. State and Trends of Carbon Pricing 2023. Washington, DC: World Bank. doi: 10.1596/978-1-4648-2006-9. License: Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 IGO)

第6条建立了“相应调整”作为核算机制,以避免重复计算减排. 转让itmo的国家必须在其两年一度的透明度报告中增加等量的排放水平. At the same time, countries using emission reductions can subtract that amount from their emission levels. 只有各国正式授权的国际气象组织才会进行相应的调整. Projects that secure corresponding adjustments are the main target of bilateral buyers.

A slightly different bilateral approach is Supporting Preparedness for Article 6 Cooperation (SPAR6C), a EUR$20 million (USD$20.94 million) program funded by Germany. SPAR6C支持各国在没有与德国交换itmo的双边义务的情况下参与第6条碳市场. The program focuses on long-term planning, institutional readiness, pilot design, and knowledge sharing, and beneficiaries include Zambia, Colombia, Pakistan, and Thailand. SPAR6C aims to contribute to the establishment of structures, procedures, and regulatory frameworks in the four countries. The ITMOs generated under SPAR6C are not, in principle, intended to be retired by the German government, so could potentially be traded with other countries.

Tetra Tech leads early Article 6 projects in Malawi and Zambia

Through Modern Cooking for Healthy Forests in Malawi, 我们正在评估农工企业在热力发电和电力生产中从化石燃料转向可持续生物能源的各种选择. 我们的专家评估了两个因素:燃料转换产生的潜在碳信用额,以及利用第6条机制产生额外收入来源的可行性. 研究结果可能有助于马拉维政府编写一份案例研究报告,以便在缔约方会议第28次会议上介绍. 这样一项研究可以为制定条例和建立一个部署和扩大第6条的体制框架奠定基础.第2条规定了国家与私营部门公司之间的合作方式.

In Zambia, under the Alternatives to Charcoal program, 利乐全球最大体育平台的可持续能源金融团队正在编纂碳市场的历史及其在清洁烹饪中的应用, 由于担心缺乏透明度,这一领域一直受到强烈批评, unfair distribution of benefits, and overestimation of carbon credits in projects. 其目的是分析清洁烹饪碳融资项目的商业模式,并评估如何在新的第6条市场机制下实施这些项目,从而为当地带来更多利益, enhances investor confidence, and lays the groundwork for Zambia to implement a clean cooking program.

Part of the Article 6 vanguard, 利乐全球最大体育平台的气候变化团队正在通过启动首批实施其机制的项目,围绕第六条建立能力. 我们随时准备帮助各国政府和市场参与者评估本国的碳市场,并确定如何最好地利用第6条促进能源转型.

Learn more about carbon markets, how they drive development, and Europe’s new carbon border adjustment mechanism.


About the author

Headshot of Rodrigo Chaparro

Rodrigo Chaparro

Rodrigo Chaparro is a sustainable energy and climate change specialist.

Rodrigo拥有超过20年的实施成本效益解决方案的经验,这些解决方案以最小的气候影响促进增长. He has deployed risk mitigation instruments for energy investments, financing mechanisms for decarbonization projects, 以及可再生能源和能源效率应用的技术和政策解决方案.

Rodrigo has extensive experience managing major initiatives from international donors, including multilateral banks, the U.S. government, the United Nations, and Japanese and Danish aid agencies. At the Inter-American Development Bank, 他领导实施了节能保险计划,并支持全球最大体育平台可持续运输和电池储能方面的新贷款和技术援助.

Rodrigo持有哥伦比亚国立大学化学工程学士和硕士学位. 他曾在哥伦比亚、德国和美国生活过,精通英语和西班牙语.

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